Power Supplies

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This module will teach you how to use both analog and digital power supplies. While there will be different power supplies in the world in which you will interact, this will gain you the basic knowledge of power supplies to be able to handle any power supply you come across.

The analog power supply we will work with is the model HY3003D-3 and information can be found in this data sheet or user manual. It is important to note that many different manufacturers will make the HY3003D-3 model of regulated analog power supply. While the interface might be different, the basic functions are the same.

Front of a HY3003D-3 analog power supply, noting that this particular model does not state it on the front

The digital power supply used is the Rigol DP1308A and information can be found here, specifically under the documents tab and looking at either the data sheet or user manual.

Front of a Rigol DP1308A digital power supply

For this module, you will need:

  • Rigola DP1308A digital DC Power Supply
  • HY3003D-3 analog DC Power Supply
  • Fluke 179 True RMS multimeter
  • An assortment of short wires
  • Resistors: 10ohm and 10kohm
  • A breadboard (or protoboard)
  • BNC-Banana Plug Adaptor (with male BNC plug)
  • BNC Cables